Some Of My Favourite Theological Content

So you've cut the cord from Netflix to try and spend more time learning about the bible. What do you watch now?

For many people, a formal education to study the bible and understand Christian doctrine isn't an option. Here is a list of some of my favourite online theology content that can be a great alternative to formal studies. This isn't a definitive list of Christian content, but theological podcasts, Youtube channels, and online schools that I personally really enjoy and get a lot out of. 


Podcasts are easily the primary way I get through a lot of theological content. Often I'll listen to something while driving or doing something else, and if an episode is really interesting I'll listen to it again and take further notes. These podcasts are all available on top podcasting platforms.


The team at the BibleProject do an amazing job at creative videos and resources to help in your bible study. Most of it stems from the discussions between the two founders Tim and Jon. Often a single video is a result of hours of discussion. If you enjoy their videos and want to go deeper with their content, this is a great place to start.

Get used to this one, they come up a lot.


The hosts OnScript are a collective of biblical scholars and theologians who are passionate about making theological academia accessible to a wider audience. The interview various authors and researchers on books and articles that they're working on or have finished. This is definitely leaning towards more of an academic side, but there is a lot you can get out of it if you spend the time to process what they have to say. They also have some fun with the interviewees and ask about their theological influences which is a great way to expand your own reading list.

Everyday Theology

Everyday Theology is hosted by Aaron Ross (one of the founders of Arma Courses, discussed below). Aaron has discussions with various authors about their content within the context of how it applies to our daily lives. It is a great starting point to getting in to more theological content without needing much of an academic background.

The Naked Bible Podcast

This one of may favourite but most challenging podcasts. Dr Michael Heiser is a scholar in the fields of biblical studies and ancient Near East cultures. His knowledge of ancient cultures in relation their influences on the bible's authors is impeccable. A lot of the content in this podcast is getting you to expand your consideration of what the texts could mean according to the authors' intent. You don't need to agree with everything that he and his guests discuss (which he readily admits), the intention is reframe your meditation on the bible from a single interpretation and to make you a part of God's story.


Youtube is an interesting platform with a wide mix of content. But every now and then some diamonds appear in the rough. These are some of my favourite gems. 

Bible Project

This is one of the most popular theological video resources. Their earliest videos are animations overviews of every book of the bible. Once that was completed they moved in to word and theme studies, and then in to bible reading techniques and processes. Their videos are very easy to consume and very well made.

Dr. Michael S. Heiser

A lot of Dr Michael's content are snippets of his online school and talk about the more abstract and confusing aspects of the bible such as predestination, angels and demons, God's intent for mankind and much more. Most videos are 5-10 minutes, but can do a lot to enlighten your daily reading of the bible.

Logos Bible Software

The Faithlife Logos Bible Software has a bit of a learning curve, but their Youtube channel has some great training resources on how to use their platform. And they also publish episodes of the Bible Study Magazine Podcast who interviews a wide range of theologians about studying the bible. Many of these theologians have played key roles in the world of academia, but can give a lot of insight to how you can advance your own personal bible studying.


Ok this is an interesting one, Bibledex isn't necessarily a Christian channel, but is a series of interviews with scholars who talk about the bible from a purely academic perspective. Filmed and produced by Brady Haran (who also manages great channels like Numberphile and Sixty Symbols), these concise summaries of the books of the bible and Christian concepts are an alternative way to expanding your own Bible Roadmap. You don't have to take to heart everything the interviewees discuss, but it is a great alternative to building foundational understanding of the structure of the bible and Christian doctrine.

Online Schools

Online schools are becoming a great alternative for teachers and theologians wanting to make their content available to a wider audience. They're often quite cheap (compared to what you'd pay for a formal Bachelor degree) and very accessible on multiple devices.


Founded by Nathan and Gabriel Finochio, their goal is to make theology and Christian thought accessible to as many people as possible to empower them with sound biblical knowledge. With a combination of theological training and sociological discussion, this platform as a great resource for Christians who are wanting to get started with studying the bible.

Arma Courses

Arma Courses is intended to train Christians with a theological depth so they can study the bible without having to depend on other people and resources. With a big focus on theology and active bible study, there are some great tools in the courses to help you on your journey of biblical studies.

Kingdomcity Greenroom - coming soon

I'll be honest, I'm very privileged to be a part of the team that are working behind the scenes to make this happen. Although I can't give away all of the content, I can definitely say that its worth the time for all kinds of Christians at various seasons of their discipleship. With the goal of equipping you to bring the reality of God to your world, the content in Kingdomcity Greenroom will not on inspire and empower you, but prepare you for the call of God on your life.

I'll more than likely add more resources to this list, but hopefully this helps you get started on your journey of building your own Bible Roadmap.

Image credit: Podpunkt & Superskrypt


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