What is the purpose of Bible Roadmaps content?

To help you study the Bible.

Many Christians read the Bible occasionally or for personal journalling, but struggle with the discipline of studying the Bible. This can be because we don't know where to start, how to interpret some of the complexities of the Bible, or we simply get distracted with the infinity pools that are so easily accessible to us. Daily Bible journalling and devotions are a great way to sustain a healthy relationship with God along with prayer and fellowship. But this shouldn't replace setting times aside to study the themes and concepts of the Bible to deepen your understanding of it. I believe that your journalling and devotions should flourish when you get to know God more through the scriptures.

We're aiming for this site to provide basic study techniques, review foundational Biblical principles, and help you be a better disciple so that you can disciple others. This isn't necessarily a theology blog, but is intended to teach you how to capture all the multiple inputs of biblical teachings that are available to us and what to do with all that information. We call this process "building your Bible Roadmap".

And studying the Bible is discipline! You'll need to make sacrifices and cut out things that consume your time (eg, endlessly scrolling through social media) to do this. In future posts we'll share some practical ways you can make time, take smart notes, and apply this to your Christian walk. And the journey of building your Bible Roadmap is something that can inspire and excite your the more you sustain it.

So what do I do with a Bible Roadmap?

The goal of building your Bible Roadmap is to help you understand how to get to the destination of knowing God intimately and being in relationship with Jesus. The Bible can get you to that destination as it:

  1. Reveals the sovereignty and characteristics of God

  2. Clarifies the need for the Christ Jesus as our Lord and Saviour

  3. Articulates an order and wisdom that God intends for us to live by

  4. Shares stories of how humans have failed to live according to God's will, but God the Father has never given up on us

Learning how the Bible does this and the various themes, patterns and concepts that flow throughout it all is what contributes to your Bible Roadmaps. And the more you know your roadmap, the more you'll be able to help others navigate through theirs. A disciple needs to have a deep conviction of these truths so they can stay aligned to the will of God in their lives, and so that can display that to others. We also need to understand that other people have only journey to a small or completely different part of their Bible Roadmap. Even though their destination is the same, the way they get there was completely different to how we got there.

Your roadmap can be a powerful tool not only for yourself, but for that God has placed around you.


We All Have Time To Meditate, But We Fill It With The Wrong Noise


How Do You Start a Bible Roadmap?