Making Bible study cool again.

Reading Genesis 50 Times - My New Favourite Bible Reading Plan
Luke Quinlivan Luke Quinlivan

Reading Genesis 50 Times - My New Favourite Bible Reading Plan

I've become a big fan of the unconventional bible reading plans. They make me focus a lot more on areas that I'd previously become familiar with. "Reading Genesis 50 Times" is almost the opposite to the 30 Day Bible Shred. If the Shred is a sprint to review the whole tree of the bible, this is a slow stroll inspecting the roots of the tree.

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#bibleshred2021 Key Takeaways
Luke Quinlivan Luke Quinlivan

#bibleshred2021 Key Takeaways

January 2021 was the 4th year I've completed the 30 Day Bible Shred. As always, it was a challenge that required sacrificing some usual things and discipline to finish off on time, but highly beneficial to my own personal bible study.

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Reading the Whole Bible In 1 Month?
Luke Quinlivan Luke Quinlivan

Reading the Whole Bible In 1 Month?

The 30 Day Bible Shred is one of my favourite bible reading plans. It's an absolute sprint through the bible, rather than a meandering year long reading plan that most people give up on when they get to Leviticus (speaking from experience). But why would you even want to attempt this somewhat intense and crazy experience?

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