Why I’m doing the Bible Shred 2024

It is upon us again, the dreaded Bible Shred.

2024 will be my 8th year partaking of reading through the whole Bible in 30 days in the month of January.

I’ve written previously about some tips and ideas on how to do it here:

But I’ve been reflecting on why I do this, and would like to share some insights here.


Every time I participate in this I end up with a bunch of observations and questions for the rest of the year. This builds an excitement and joy for me to go further in my personal studies and commitment to be a life long student of the Word of God.

If I’m honest my personal devotions can get stale over the year, but having an extreme focus like this can help a lot.


Throughout the year I like to consume all sorts of Biblical content and do various Bible studies - but I find that they can lead me down tangents that aren’t always as helpful.

Instead of focussing on content about the Bible, I’m focussing on just the Scripture itself.

This is almost like a content fast - I’m abstaining from all sorts of media to just focus on the basics.


I believe the scriptures is the living word of God, and every time I read it there’s an opportunity for me to learn about the character and magnitude of God.

Doing this resolves the story and relationship I have with God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit by seeing how they’ve interacted with mankind.

If I’m not doing this from a personal perspective to deepen my relationship with God, then it’s just another crazy task.

So if this is something you think you’d be interested in doing, you are more than welcome to join in!

I’ve made a reading plan that you can access from here - https://www.bibleroadmaps.com/bible-shred


Bible Roadmaps in 2024


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